Back to the grind! Christmas break is officially over today and while I'm excited to go back and see my students again, I'm also in a bit of mourning. I was able to get so much reading done over break. I'm going to miss lazing around the house and staying in my pajamas all day.
Check out this awesome loot I got at my library's used book store last week. Love my library.
I am especially excited that I snagged a copy of Behemoth because just a few days before we got out for Christmas break one of my students was practically begging me to get the second book in the Leviathan series. When I saw it on the shelf at the store on Wednesday, I practically elbowed the guy standing next to me to get to it (not really, but I may have aggressively headed for it). It was kismet that it was sitting there on the shelf waiting for me. I can't wait to show my Leviathan-lover what I snagged over break.
Last week I finished and reviewed:

Just One Day by Gayle Forman (its book birthday is tomorrow. Yay!)
The Diviners by Libba Bray
Last week I also reviewed:

Teen Boat! by Dave Roman and John Green
You Tell Your Dog First by Alison Pace

Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans by Kadir Nelson
(BTW... to my southeastern Michigan and northern Ohio readers, Kadir Nelson is coming to Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor on January 18th)
My favorite picture book from last week was:

Jangles: A Big Fish Story by David Shannon
Growing up in a family of really bad leisure fishermen, you can't help but get a good chuckle out of a big fish story. I fell so in love with this book that I even bought and sent a copy to my dad. He can read it to my nephew, his grandson - the newest generation he's teaching to be a bad fisherman. :-P
Currently Reading:

The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy
Energize Research Reading and Writing by Christopher Lehman
Currently Listening:

The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling
Need by Carrie Jones
Last week I also posted:
My Top 12 Food Memories of 2012
My Top 12 Travel Memories of 2012 ( #1 on my list is partying with the #NerdyBookClub in Vegas)
Bring YA Authors to Your Hometown +giveaway
Giveaway of Eat the City by Robin Shulman
Oh, and check out my new Pinterest board if you're an audiophile like me:
Audiobooks worth a listen
Speaking of Pinterest, I also spent two days last week re-organizing all my recipe boards. Now I have many food boards and can better find recipes more easily instead of a hodge-podge on one big board. Not to mention the fact that I took all the recipes I tore out from magazines, found them online, and pinned them to Pinterest. Now I have them all stored electronically. Yay! Check it out:
My Pinterest Boards
I love library sales! First days back can be bittersweet, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to reading both Just ONe Day and The Diviners!
You've read a lot of great books. I suppose that, like me, you will slow down this week as we are returning to school. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteHere’s my It's Monday! What Are You Reading? I hope you will stop by! And Happy New Year!
Love the new Pinterest board - I just got The Diviners on audio, so once I finish my current book - it's on :-)
ReplyDeleteMy 9th grade daughter desperately wanted The Casual Vacancy, but is only about 30 pages in and NOT happy. I'm trying to get it away from her. What a great stack of book!
ReplyDeleteOh boy, the jealousy. The book envy. I can't wait for Just One Day and The Hero Guide! Love Diviners so much that I am sure I will reread it at some point this year.
ReplyDeleteLibrary sales rock! I also LOVED Heart and Soul, so beautiful. I added teen boat to my TBR list. Such a great list of books as usual!
ReplyDeleteI loved Jangles as well and think it is hilarious that it will be passed on to the fishermen of your family! My students adored it! I am reading The Diviners right now - close to finishing. Last night I turned my light off then back on 5 minutes later because I couldn't sleep worrying about a character. When all was fine a few pages later, I could finally sleep! An addictive story!
ReplyDeleteYour review last week made me want to read Just One Day so bad! I can't wait to read it myself. :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful stack of books you have here. I must have Leviathan somewhere here in my shelves, but I can't be too sure. I do know I have to catch up on Scott Westerfeld's writing soonest. Hold Fast Your Dreams looks like something I'd enjoy as well. We're also collecting water-themed books so I'd be sure to check out the David Shannon title. I've been meaning to get my hands on Kadir Nelson's Heart and Soul for the longest time. Hopefully, I can find it in our libraries soon. Have a great reading week!
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to find treasures at library sales! I also read Jangles this week - perfect for fishermen of all ages. I bet your Dad got a kick out of it! I'm reading Casual Vacancy soon with my adult book club. I hope it's good b/c it's a long one!