I'm participating in the Out with a Bang Read-a-thon hosted by The Bookish Type and Book-Savvy. I've been reading and listening to books like crazy the past couple of days. This is what I have finished so far:

Incredibly emotional and haunting book about a girl battling bulimia as a way to "deal" with her father's death. Isabelle's story will stick with me for a long time.

Beautiful novel in verse, told in first person from the perspective of a Vietnamese boy adopted by an American family after the war.

Very strange book. I can't even categorize it. I want to read more of Shaun Tan just to try to figure out what makes him tick because I haven't quite put my finger on it yet. Is there major symbolism in all of these strange stories and characters or does he just like confusing his readers?
Attempted and abandoned:

What could have been a funny, self-deprecating romp around the country correcting typos became a self-congratulatory, hyperbolic disaster of a narrative. Mr. Deck, I know you're an editor and everything but you come off as an arrogant buffoon who hugs his thesaurus a little too closely.
You got a ton of reading done! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy that last one -- it sounded like fun =( I guess it was a fine line to walk. Thanks so much for participating! Happy New Year!