Friday, September 26, 2014

The Real Food Cookbook by Nina Planck

A recipe is not a commandment; it is a record of something someone once cooked. And perhaps another person ate, perchance enjoyed.

I was drawn to this cookbook by the beautiful cover, and I was further left smitten when I opened the pages and took in all the simple beauty that is contained inside. I love the writing, the pictures, and I especially love Planck's food philosophies, as evidenced by the quote above. I haven't actually attempted any recipes from this cookbook yet, but even if I never cook anything from it, just owning it would be enough for me as it is a feast for the eyes and a treat to read. The recipe below is one I'm especially excited to try since it sounds refreshing, and I've never tried or even seen a watermelon radish before. It also happens to be the recipe from which I pulled the quote above, as you can see by the lack of measurements. It is also the dish featured on the cover of this cookbook.

Shaved Fennel, Apple, and Radish Salad

1 orange
olive oil
salt and pepper
watermelon radish
green and red apples
chives or parsley

1. Juice the orange. Whisk a dressing using four parts olive oil to one part juice. Season.
2. Shave the radishes, fennel, and apples in very thin slice on a mandolin.
3. Mince the herbs.
4. Toss it all, coating the vegetables thoroughly with the dressing.
5. Scatter walnuts on top.

The Real Food Cookbook: Traditional Dishes for Modern Cooks by Nina Planck
Published: June 10, 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury 
Pages: 256
Genre: Cookery
Audience: Adults
Disclosure: Library Copy

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  1. Sounds like an interesting recipe! I have a really tough time finding fennel for some reason so have never actually prepared anything with it.

  2. Oh that recipe sounds wonderful. We love fennel. I've seen those radishes at the farmer's market -- I'll have to look this week.
