
Author Interviews and Events

Bookstore/Library Author Events 
Boulley, Angeline
Collins, Billy 
Curtis, Christopher Paul Ellen, Laura
Flinn, Kathleen
Funk, Josh
Harris, Carrie - Bad Taste in Boys
Harris, Carrie - Bad Hair Day
King, A.S. 
Lloyd, Natalie
Nelson, Kadir  
Rex, Adam
Robinson, Christian
Sepetys, Ruta
Stiefvater, Maggie
Taylor, Laini 
Zadoorian, Michael

Author Interviews
Appelhans, Lenore  - Level 2/The Memory of After
Appelhans, Lenore - Chasing Before
Engle, Margarita - The Sky Painter
Engle, Margarita - Enchanted Air 
Graff, Lisa 
Hansen, Justin LaRoca
Lloyd, Natalie
Oppel, Kenneth
Orr, Wendy 
Pace, Alison 
Rex, Adam 
Royce, Eden
Rufus, Rob 
Thomson, Bill
Vernick, Audrey - Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten
Vernick, Audrey - The Kid from Diamond Street  
Wardlaw, Lee
Weiss, Matt - Please Be Nice to Sharks 
Zadoorian, Michael

Guest Posts
Behrens, Rebecca
Derek the Ghost
Gates, Mariam
Hendrix, Grady
Koehler, Lana Wayne
Maggs, Sam

Classroom Visits/Skypes
Harris, Carrie - classroom visit  #1
Harris, Carrie - classroom visit #2
Healy, Christopher
Holm, Jennifer
Jennewein, Daniel
Vernick, Audrey - Skype visit #1
Vernick, Audrey - World Read Aloud Day Skype

Blog Tours
Anderson, John David - Ms. Bixby's Last Day
Gates, Mariam - This Moment Is Your Life (And So Is This One)
Griffin, Adele - The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone 
Healy, Christopher - The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle
Healy, Christopher - The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw
Kozlowsky, M.P - The Dyerville Tales
Lazar, Tara - Normal Norman 
Russell, Erin Daniell - How to Trick the Tooth Fairy
Rylander, Chris - Countdown Zero