
Saturday, July 6, 2013

What Would Brian Boitano Make? Fresh and Fun Recipes for Sharing with Family and Friends by Brian Boitano

As a figure skater and Olympic gold medalist, Brian Boitano traveled the world for competitions and soon became fascinated with the cuisines of other counties. So when he hung up his skates and retired from competitive skating, he began exploring his love for food in his own kitchen.

Inspired by the recipes he created on his cooking show, the food in What Would Brian Boitano Make? is sophisticated yet simple and accessible. I especially love that every recipe in this book is accompanied by a  heartfelt story to explain what inspired it. Yes Boitano was heavily inspired by his travels, but people inspire his food just as much as his travels do, often using his friends and family as his muse in the kitchen.

While I ran out of time to try any of the recipes in this book because I checked it out at the library and there was another person who had it on hold, there were a few that I was looking forward to trying, such as:
 I have to admit, I first started watching What Would Brian Boitano Make? on the Food Network because I assumed it would be a train wreck, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the guy can really cook and he was actually pretty funny on camera. I'd have to say for being an extension of his show, this cookbook is quite successful. There's some recipes from the show, but then there's also some new recipes and also stories that I hadn't heard before. I don't think I'd actually buy the book to have in my personal collection, but I also didn't feel like I'd wasted an hour of my life looking through the recipes and reading the stories that accompany them.

What Would Brian Boitano Make: Fresh and Fun Recipes for Sharing with Family and Friends
Published: May 7, 2013
Publisher: Lyons Press
Pages: 256
Genre: Cookery
Audience: Adults
Disclosure: Library Copy


  1. I haven't watched the show because, like you, I figured it wouldn't be worth it. Now you have me curious. Sounds like his book is a good one to check out of the library.

  2. Brian Boitano has a show on the Food, it must be awhile since I watch that channel!
    I agree..sounds like a library read.

    1. I think it's moved over to the Cooking Channel now. But yeah. Hard to believe.

  3. I haven't heard of him before. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. I didn't realize Boitano had a cooking show! That's really interesting - I'm going to have to find it and watch (for educational purposed, clearly!). And a whole cookbook to accompany... I'm in shock!

  5. The title of his book and show makes me laugh. I'd definitely have to check it out, he sounds like fun.

  6. He's got the looks to be a cooking show host! I like the title, too!

  7. I hadn't realized he had a cooking show or book either. Fun!
